Sunday, April 26, 2015

Bunk Beds and Mosquito Nets

I think our sleeping arrangements are a good representation of our comfort level living here in Tanzania.  When we first arrived, we all slept together in the same bed huddled under one mosquito net.  We slept those first few nights (maybe even weeks) exhausted from traveling and jet lag, terrified of mosquitoes and generally every sound we heard.  We would watch movies in the middle of the night under the net sometimes because one or all of us couldn't sleep.

But as time has gone by, sleeping arrangements have changed.  We have two bedrooms.  In the main bedroom, there are two beds put together under a large net.  In the other room, there was a small bed with a small mosquito net.  Slowly, our sleeping changed to me and boys sleeping in the big bed and Trevor sleeping in the other room.  Then at some point, Nino started to sleep a little better and Trevor and I started trading off having solo nights in the small bed.

But a couple of weeks ago, I asked someone to make us a bunk bed for the small room.  This was because I'm finally comfortable with the boys sleeping in the other room and ready to really settle into the house (almost 9 months after arriving).

Here is their new bed fitted with mosquito nets....

Side note, wives often get excited when their husbands bring them flowers or jewelry.  I can't even express how excited I was when Trevor brought home a new mosquito net for the big bed a couple of days ago.  We have had a net that was a little too small and impossible to keep tucked under the mattress.  I've fought with that net every night for 9 months.  The new net if fabulous, fits perfectly and is the perfect gift!  Thanks Baba.