Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Village Life

We spent a day in the village of Katoma this week visiting our friend Egbert and his family.  It was a really fun day.  We felt so welcome by his family and friends.  It seemed like everyone came to greet us and spend time with us.  They served tea, followed by snacks, followed by lunch.  We were treated like very special guests. 

Their house is surrounded by a small farm where they grow coffee, bananas, ground nuts, greens, etc.  They don't have running water or an indoor toilet.  We sat on the only couch in the room for the day while everyone else, including Grandma, sat on the floor.  It was so clear that they had spent time preparing for us and were just thrilled to be our hosts.

All of the food was prepared outside over an open fire. 

It took a while to convince the boys to go outside and play with the other children.  But eventually they did and had a wonderful time.  The children there speak no English and very little Swahili.  They speak the tribal language of the area, Haya.  I asked Patricio how they were able to communicate.  He said, 'We figured it out....'

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