Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Post Office

In Standard V ICT (Information, Communication and Technology), we have been learning about the Post Office.  It was a surprisingly difficult unit for the students to grasp.  There was a lot of new information for them about letters, registered mail, parcels and money orders.  And as it turned out, none of them had ever actually been to a post office. 

So to finish up the unit, we took a 'Study Tour' to the Post Office.  For the border students, it was fun to get off campus.  The entire presentation was in Kiswahili, so I didn't understand most of what was going on.  But the students found it really interesting.  It seemed like they were asking really great questions and knew a lot of the answers to questions they were asked. 

Next up, we learn about newspapers, journals and books.  I'm trying to figure out if there is a newspaper that is printed in Bukoba.....we'll see.....

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