Wednesday, June 24, 2015


We have been on a grand adventure for the last week or so.  My sister flew into Dar after her months hiking the Camino de Santiago.  She's tired and injured from her pilgrimage but so elated to be spending time with the boys.  And the boys couldn't be happier to be with her. 

We were supposed to take a train for the first leg of our journey but there is a railway workers strike in Zambia so we ended up on the bus.  This bus was much nicer than the one we rode last time so we didn't mind.

We traveled to Livingstone where we staying in a place that was a little like fancy camping.  The hardest part was how cold it was.  We've definitely gotten used to the temperature in Bukoba because we were freezing.  We had fun though.  Patricio got to play chess with Samantha and Nino got to play on a playground.

Then we walked across the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.  The walk was a little challenging considering we had all of our luggage and 2 kids in tow.  But it was worth it to get our first glimpse at Victoria Falls along the way.

In Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, we are staying at a wonderful house we found on Airbnb.  We never would have guessed how much we'd use that site here in Africa.  But it has been so helpful.  For the price of a hotel room we have a 4 bedroom house.  Having a kitchen and room to spread out is so helpful for us when we travel. 

We spent a day exploring the Falls and it was incredible.  We are catching it at the end of the rainy season so there is still a ton of water and mist.  In the dry season, there is a small pool at the top of the falls that they let people swim in. I guess there is a natural rock wall that keep the swimmers from going over the edge.  I can't imagine ever doing that....

We also planned a day trip to nearby Chobe National Park in Botswana.  The highlight of that park is the elephants.  Our guide told us there are an estimated 75,000 elephants living there.  He also explained that the 4 countries bordering Chobe (Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia) have all agreed to not put up any border fences so that the animals can freely migrate in search of food.  Pretty cool.

We still have lots to do on our more pics to come.  We are just so grateful for the amazing opportunity that this experience has awarded us.

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